Meet Our Animals

Our micro-farm is located in Bicknell, just a block south of The Sweetgrass coffee shop. We have just a little over an acre. Even though we are a small micro-farm, we have a lot on that acre! We have a 20-tree orchard (mostly apples), a greenhouse, big garden space, 15 chickens, and 3 alpacas!


Hampton is an adorable little cockapoo. He joined our family in July 2021, a couple of months after he was born. He was born on May 4, therefore he is a Star Wars baby. Hampton absolutely loves the farm. His favorite activity in the morning is to go out and say hello to the alpacas. He is the most friendly little guy and loves making new friends. If you come to the farm, be prepared for Hampton to want a ton of attention and love!



Denby is a talker! From the moment he sees you walking toward them to the moment you leave his sight he is always saying hello and wanting attention! He is probably the most friendly of the alpacas and is always wanting some treats.


Lexington, or Lex, is our hippie. He is very chill and friendly, but also the dirtiest of the three. He is often laying down on the ground collecting all sorts of stuff in his fleece.


Warwick (pronounced War-ick for the non-British speakers 😂) is so kind and soft, but also very timid. He is the most shy of the three. When he was still with his mama he would not come close, but now he will come eat out of your hand. He is still not so sure about being touched though.


We currently have 15 chickens on our farm! They are free-range throughout the farm and we supplement their feed with only the best. We get their feed from our friends at Bacon and Eggs Farm in Richmond. Their feed is non-GMO and soy free.






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